逢星期二晚上9時,在灣區新城電台AM1400 現場直播。节目圍繞着政治和民生事項,每次專注於不同的主題,邀請專家作深入分析,向公眾開放電話討論,是该时段在灣區華人中收聽率最高、聽眾人數最多、完全本地製作的粵語節目。 |
Live commentary on recent events, legislation, policies and social issues, as well as interviews to political and community leaders, with interactive listener phone calls. This talk show is conducted by 3 community organizers and activities who have different views on issues. Their analyses are fun, balanced and creative, and achieves the highest rating in the time segment among the Chinese-speaking demographics. |
Oct 02