DJ Profile – Winnie

DJ Winnie

Name : Winnie
主持節目 : 教育前線、息息相關
Hosting Program: Education program;All for You
Nickname: Reene
生日: 2月24日
DOB: February 24

Face book: Winnie W. Koo

偶像: Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Eason Chan & Joey Yung
Idol: Julia Roberts, George Clooney, Eason Chan & Joey Yung
語言:廣東話 , 普通話 ,英文
Language: Cantonese: Mandarin, English

Experience: Deeply interested in music and media broadcast when Winnie was a child.

其他趣事: 做Live突然爆肚,亦試過在直播室 突然肚痛,唯有忍痛兩個鐘頭,專業要若無其事繼續做節目…
Others: Winnie experienced a serious stomachache during a live broadcast show, but she had to be professional and stood till the end of that show.