DJ Profile – Yvette


姓名: 伊薇特
Name : Yvette

別名: YY
Nickname: yy

生日: 8月我要晒
DOB: August-The whole month is mine.

主持節目 : E家影視房
Hosting Program: E’s Video House

偶像: 仲搵緊,搵到再話你知!
Idol: Still searching… I will let you know when I find him!

語言: 廣東話,國語,英語
Language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English.

Experience: I recommend of myself

愛好:運動,閱讀,音樂,電影,旅遊,美食…… 多不勝數,無法盡錄。
Hobby: Sports, reading, music, movie, travel, and delicious food…. cannot record at all because I have too many hobbies.

The most memorable live broadcasting experience: The first time I host a program, the first time I am on air with partner, and my first interview with singer.