DJ Profile – Jasmin

DJ Jasmin

姓名: 論儘天后
Name : Jasmin
別名: 小龍女
生日: 12-12
DOB: December 12

主持節目 : 論儘茶居
Hosting Program: Long’s Tea House
Face book: zhong guo ren

語言: 國﹐粵﹐英
Language: Cantonese: Mandarin, English

入行經過:業余婚禮主持﹐2007年幫助開設中美財經資訊台﹐主持美。港財經節目﹐灣區人。情味﹐為食有guide, 地產﹐股票﹐貸款保險等多種訪談節目﹐80後﹐90後的年輕人節目。
Experience: Part time host for wedding events. Jasmin helped out to establish another radio station. Jasmin hosted U.S. and Hong Kong financial programs; Bay Area People and food, and different infomercial programs, plus youth talk which targeting the 80s and 90s young audience.

其他: 現為職業婚禮主持﹐2010 年幫助開設灣區新城中文電台。繼續主持飲食。養生節目論儘茶居。
Other: Jasmin is now working as professional wedding events host. She also helped to found Bay Area Metro and continue her food and drink show that named as “Long’s Tea House”.