DJ Profile – Richard

DJ Richard
姓名: 阿超
Name : Richard
別名: 小炳
NickName: Sui Ping
生日: 8月19日
DOB: August 19
主持節目 : 空中小说; 有營飯局
Hosting Program: Story Telling; Nutrition Dinner
Face book: Richard Qi

偶像: 洛克菲勒,成龙
Idol: John D. Rockefeller; Jacky Chan

語言: 普通话,广东话,英语
Language: Cantonese: Mandarin, English

Road to be DJ: Responsible for flag rising in the high school. Majoring in liberal arts in his college life, and was elected to be the host team for large events. In the first year of college life, Richard represented his department and hosted 3 large activities.

Other: Send out my first recording to Papa and Mama and friends, they are all very satisfied, and it makes me feel very good. Haha.